Friday, July 20, 2007

English envy

Nothing demonstrates the public's lack of understanding of liberty more than the heredity nature of representation. The fact that Hillary Clinton, or Rodham, or whatever it is this week, is a serious contender for president and that GW Bush was elected twice shows that Americans still envy the English.
You see the English decided some time ago that a monarchy was a repressive and evil form of government, however they decided that they would keep the royal family somewhat like national pets. The English take great pleasure in the breeding and raising of the offspring from their pets and are very picky about bloodlines.
American's seem to want some sense of a royal family(national pets) in control, otherwise how can you explain Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Were is the church today?

The business of religion has perverted the gospel of Christ and made merchandise of the poor souls who are seeking god and direction. Professional fund raisers and positive thinkers along with their musical shows have declared themselves to be collectors of god's money and sell themselves as an investment in your health, wealth, and happiness. While spinning tales of how god called them to save the world, they enrich themselves with your money by misusing the scripture to bring guilt and lust.
Read the bible and flee from anyone who claims to speak for god and ask for money. Remember Jesus said to feed the poor. Ask yourself, "is this person poor" or is he using you to further his or hers enterprise?

Friday, March 09, 2007


Where is the man of God?

John14:12 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also: and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my father.

Where are these works being done today? Certainly not on television or at any of the churches or meeting I have attended. I have heard a lot of preachers say that they have seen and done healing and cast devils out, but I have never been witness to such. I believe God heals. but in all the meetings I've been to , the healings are always of an internal nature and the devils seem to be cast from some person who is acting emotional. Most of these people do have a devil, it's an "I want to be noticed devil".


Saturday, September 09, 2006

I am perfectly willing to be classified as contrarian especially in politics, and as a true independent who has voted in various primaries for all the parties, with little respect for any of them. Having thus stated, I never vote for the same name. We do not need another Bush, Clinton, Blunt, Kennedy, or etc.. Leadership is not an inherited trait.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Has anybody noticed how the rhetoric from some pols (mostly the right) about immigration is the same as pre-civil war about slavery. "Industry will fail without this labor" or "Americans won't do this kind of job".
Since everything a pol says in public is either payoffs for funds or an attempt to raise more, media should always question their motives. Demo's say they want to raise minimum wage to help working families with the impression they are referring to fast food workers and such, however fast food workers do not contribute to campaigns. Most labor union contracts are tied to the minimum wage and an increase would result in a nice raise under the table and a payoff for their support. What surprises me is that no one in the media ever raises this point or the fact that illegal immigration is killing the labor movement. One would think that union flacks would be more interested in stopping the flow of cheap labor than in pricing their members out of a job.